"Voice of Lithuania. Children" premiere - voices eligible for the adult stage and Monique's triumph
This Sunday, the Voice of Lithuania. Children" third season blind auditions. Eleven contestants are ready to prove that they can move with their voices just as much as adults. Donatas Montvydas, Mantas Jankavičius and Monique, who has just joined the adult project this season, are eagerly awaiting the performances of the growing goddesses of the music world.
Already in the first edition of the Blind Auditions, Donatas Montvydas, Mantas Jankavičius and Monique will be in a real battle for incredible voices and contestants who will capture the hearts of all Lithuania. Teachers will admit that every year the children raise the bar of quality and it's harder and harder to believe that it's the little ones on stage. Especially surprising will be those who were on the Voice stage in the very first season and have returned this year with a much improved performance.
"I still live in the memory of the adult voice. And I'm sure that if you were standing on an adult stage, all four teachers would turn to you. It's only been a couple of years since your first time on the voice stage and you've grown so much. Your voice is richer, stronger, more feminine. I'm impressed," Donatas Montvydas says of one of the participants who has appeared on stage, and he does not spare any praise.
"I even got lost a few times, the adult voice seems to have gone and we are filming their auditions again. And then you realise that children seem to be much more passionate these days. My emotions just want to punch through the roofs. It's so good to be here and to see the children. To see that they are willing to choose my team. I wonder what will happen next", Monique will not hide her amazement at the children's vocal potential.
But with the first participants, there will be tension among the teachers - no matter what persuasion tactics Mantas and Donatas have developed over the past two seasons, the majority of the children will want to choose Monique's team.
"Monique is a huge discovery for me and I'm very happy that she has joined our team, it's all coming organically for her. But I don't have any trump cards anymore, because she can offer everything I used to offer: experience, spirit and spirit. Even when I was on stage, I couldn't resist her allure", Mantas admits with a laugh.
Donatas echoes Monique's success: 'She had enough time to study all our tactics, weaknesses and strengths. Now she knows very well what to say and when to say it. And that's a really big threat for Mantas and me."
But neither Donatas nor Mantas will give up - while one will offer to take the participants straight to the final, the other will try to bribe the children... even with designer glasses! What else will the teachers of the project resort to and who are the children who are the most fiercely fought over - this Sunday, 19:30 on LNK.