This Sunday, the highly anticipated seventh season of "The Voice of Lithuania" will be launched on LNK TV. In the teachers' chairs are two new music stars, Monika Liu and Monique, who are ready to compete for the best voices in the project and show what not only a confident name in the world of music, but also true feminine charm can do. This will be evident in the first edition of the Blind Auditions, where more than one talented man will try to turn the teacher's chair with his voice.
One of them is Laurynas Sičiūnas, who will become a sensation in the project. A guy whose voice and looks will not only make the teachers not hesitate to rush the stage, but also ... fall down under their feet. Laurynas, who came on stage in a soldier's uniform, is serving in the Lithuanian army, but music, as he says, is another of his vocations.
"I want to prove that I can do a lot in this project. During the last year I have been performing a lot, writing songs, but after a while I just got tired of everyday life and decided to change my environment, to discover new things, so the army seemed to be the best option at that time," says Laurynas, who has completely changed his life.
The boy admits that even after being drafted into the army, he did not give up music for a minute - he created a band, with which he performed regularly not only in his battalion, but also in different cities, he continued to create songs and did not give up on his dream - that one day, these songs would be heard by the whole Lithuania.
"I am no longer a conscript, I am a professional, so my routine in the army is very different. For conscripts, the day starts with morning exercise, breakfast, checks, etc., and they live in barracks for the whole service. Professionals, on the other hand, go to the place of duty as if they were going to work, and carry out exercises from 8am to 5pm, except, of course, if the exercises last 2, 3 or more days. But music is still always there, on weekends at concerts, on weekdays when I get home I sit down at the piano or pick up the guitar. The path and the career in the army is quite complicated, so I can't really say how it will turn out. Of course, one can set goals to become an officer or to pursue a career as a non-commissioned officer, but all plans and dreams can change at any time. As for music, I dream of recording all my songs and improving them, because they are acoustic, so it would be very interesting to hear them recorded", says the project participant about his life as a soldier and his musical dreams.
Laurynas doesn't hide the fact that one of the soldier's trump cards when it comes to girls is the uniform. But even he couldn't have expected the reaction of the teachers when they saw him... Whether his performance will be worthy of a trip to the next stage of the project, and how crazy Monika Liu and Monique will be, will be shown this Sunday, 19:30 on LNK.